“Match Now” provides various learning solutions such as mentoring and study materials by matching successful candidates and students preparing for competitive exams such as USPC, JEE, AIIMS to accelerate their exam preparation.
“Match Now” understands the importance of your privacy, hence we have drawn a privacy statement to protect all the information that we gather from you during the registration process.
To ensure the security of customers' credit card information, we use secure servers for credit card transactions and to store login details.

What details does “Match Now” demand?

Our service may require various forms of contact information from you, such as email address, first and last name, and phone number. We only request information that is necessary to provide you with a better service.
In addition, various documents and verification are required to confirm the status and qualifications of those who passed the competitive exam.

How are these details used?

  • - We collect the following information to ensure the quality of the content provided for competitive exams preparation. Mentor: name, phone number, e-mail, ID card, enrollment/graduation certificate and others.
  • - Mentee: Name, phone number, e-mail, grades, exams you are preparing, etc.
  • - We can monitor or record online learning, including screen, voice, chat, and textbook.

Can anyone get access to your information?

The privacy policies on our service do not allow any third party to get access to your information. Hence the information you share is secured in all forms.

Do you need to pay to use the service?

We provide paid services. The fees may vary depending on the "event". Additionally, local telephone call charges according to the rates announced by the telephone exchange may be applied.

How will “Match Now” connect with you?

You will be contacted by our team of trained staff members who may connect with you to provide the service, or we may contact you through other communication channels such as mobile, email, and Whatsapp.